Publications about Iran’s change of position on the so-called ‘Zangezur corridor’ do not correspond to reality and there has been no change in Iran’s official position on this issue. Isik Hounanesyan, Chairman of the ARF’s Hay Dat – Armenian National Committee in Tehran, told pastinfo.am.
The problem that has arisen with the Iranian lorries is a technical one, not a political one. Our efforts and those of Turkey have consisted, in a spirit of good neighbourliness and given that the issue of transporting goods on the roads of both countries is important to both of us, in trying to resolve this problem in one way or another. It is likely that a delegation from our side will soon visit Turkey in the presence of representatives of the structures concerned to discuss the issue in depth. ‘We hope that the issue will soon be resolved’, said the Iranian official. It should be noted that the Azerbaijani media today interpreted the words of the Iranian official in their own way and wrote that an Iranian delegation would soon be leaving for Turkey to conduct negotiations on the ‘Zangezur corridor’.
Main source: pastinfo.am